Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Back In Effect!

Ah! So here you are. Man, I was beginning to think you were gone for good! Geez, I guess it takes a move to find all things you lost/misplaced. Here I am doing some last minute cleaning and packing, and I find you dusty, and hidden underneath some old bills (paid), personal files (forgotten eons ago), and compromising photos nestled DEEP within my favorite sites section of my laptop.
It sure is nice to find you again.
Wow. It's been more than a year since I last scribbled electric letters on this thing. No wonder my life is erratic! I need to write to maintain my sanity. I think the reason I have not been doing so, is I have been socially nonexistent. I think I may have found a remedy though. I will be contributing reviews to Yelp.com on a regular basis, which will prompt/force me to get out and do stuff. So keep an eye on this blog, and look for reviews I will be posting on Yelp in the VERY near future.
Peace y'all!

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