Sunday, July 15, 2007

Um, what's one step up from rated XXX?

Yesterday I watched a good movie called "Short Bus". It's a kind of "dated" "hip&cool" film that is about a sex club and a group of "hip&cool" New Yorker regulars of said club who experience self-actualization, self loathing, self doubt, and self-neglect through SEX-and sex only. Nothing is even remotely close to love that ANY of these characters are feeling.The film almost stresses the point that there is NOooo lovemaking going on. Period.
I quite enjoyed the film, because the actors convinced me that they, and their situations/dilemmas were "real".
Now, this is in no way a recommendation to run right out there and rent this movie. It's not for everyone.
You have to be in a seriously liberal and open minded place to view it. If you ARE in that place, then you will witness a film with-
Great Dialogue

Great Actors

Good Story

(but you become more aware of why its necessary as the film progresses, and you learn how each act mirrors each character's desperation)

(ALL IMAGINABLE COMBINATIONS left me pretty uncomfortable, which I'm positive was director John Cameron Mitchell's intent- but I understand that those scenes were integral to the story, and how each character views themselves and their lives.)

(BEWARE, oh faint of heart!)

This film blindsided me. It provoked thoughts, and evoked some feelings and emotions that I didn't like, but that's the beauty of film to me. If a film is acted or directed so well that it can intentionally instill feelings or emotions within you- good or bad, then man, that's a great film to me.
Mission accomplished on the part of the filmmakers.
So, if you can be VERY open minded, (seriously, this movie is VERY VERY EXPLICIT)
give the film a try, and see how it makes you feel at the end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when you ask me how my weekend was and what i did it's gonna be READ THE NEW HARRY POTTER BOOK!!!!!!
