Hey hey hey party people! Man, my fingers have gotten quite a bit of rest!
We are still busy with the procurement of our hair salon, the boy is still a little joker, the dogs are going a bit stir crazy, (lack of walks) the lovely wife is back at work, and I'm still a real PROUD dad.
Everything is everything.
Well, a lot of crap has gone on since I last scribed, and I hope you are prepared for some long-windedness, cuz here we go.
The boy is a real character. Every morning he is on top of the world. He smiles, makes all sorts of cooing noises, wiggles like a little worm, and kicks his little legs, and punches the air in his excitement to face another day. He also makes noises that I would swear are Extremely close to giggles. The kid is a character. He most certainly has inherited Mom&Dad's senses of humor. The lil' guy is going to be a real crack-up.
The bets are still on. The lovely wife noticed the sprout's eyes today, and the bluish tint is fading from them. Sorry mom. No blue eyes. (I'm glad) They are now grey. I don't know of anyone in either of our families on either side with grey eyes but, oh well. I don't care what color they are, as long as the boy can see out of them. (Hopefully with 20/20 vision)
And finally, speaking of his eyes, he now can cry TEARS. Before, he would cry and the pipes would remain dry-but now when he wails tears stream down his face. This makes it VERY hard to let him be while getting his bottle ready for him. Seeing tears makes me think the kid's gonna CROAK if I don't get to him in time. Man, this kid has me wrapped 'round his finger already!
I wish to take this time to apologize to my Mom and my Dad.
Hey y'all, I would like to ask your forgiveness for the lack of communication on my part. I know the goings on here with the sprout are VERY IMPORTANT to you both, and I have been stingy with my time, and have not called as often as I should. Believe me, it's NOT that I don't care about your feelings, or that I consider them unimportant. It's just that I am always tired, and when I get home from work, I don't consider calling to let you guys know what's going on. My fault, and I am sorry. Calling twice a week is my commitment to you both. Whether I speak directly to you guys, or get your voicemail, you can plan on hearing my voice and what's going on at least two times per week.
Again, I am sorry.
Wow. this post got real long real fast, and I'm missing the Buckeye basketball game, (I mean it, I'm really NOT a fan) so I am gonna sign out.
PEACE friends.