Thursday, June 21, 2007

If I could just stop the progression of time, I'd be cool...

Geez. It would seem my fingers have forgotten how to punch the keys on this board thus bringing life to all my random thoughts...
Much has occurred since the 5th of june friends.
I celebrated my FIRST Father's day.
The boy is VERY near the crawling stage.
Festival Latino was fun.
There are not enough sands in the hourglass.
My relationship with my "roommate" is developing into something a little more than what it's been these past few months.
I found a boatload of new sites.
Dungen, Interpol, Clientele, and The Bees all have new Cds out, or due to arrive this summer,
and alas, Little Brother's (formerly Stache's) will close it's doors for good in the coming week.
I unfortunately don't have time to scribe right now, but promise to do so this evening upon my return from work.
PEACE till then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

are you tryin to say you're cool now??? hm..... i dunno :P