The boy really LOVES to dance y'all!
These were taken today, while he was digging in his toy drawer.
See, my lovely wife emptied all the crap out of a regular drawer that he gravitates to, and put some of his toys and other junk in there so he can also root around in the kitchen like his mom and dad do from time to time.
a song he likes came on, and he started bopping around.
Yeeeaaah buddy!
My boy was movin!
This weekend, while hanging with Scotty-D, he danced to nearly every commercial that had some tunes playing in the background. Incidentally, you'd be amazed by how many commercials have some form of music behind them hyping you up, and getting you amped to consume their product.
I COULD'NT be more proud of the boy.
But what's cool is, I know he'll do something tomorrow to outdo all the amazing stuff he did today.
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