Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Still Here...

Lots of stuff has gone on since my last writing, like:
The lovely wife's first mother's day
My brother came to visit
Ms. Rohr if you're nasty's birthday celebration
FINALLY getting to work in the yard (Photos will be posted as the summer progresses)
The boy laughing uncontrollably when I sing mariachi songs to him
The mother-in-law (cue the thunder, and ominous piano "dun-dun-dunnnnn!") had to have a knee replaced-
man do I feel for her
work is great
and I am in a state of perpetual motion.
As the week progresses, I will scribe about intimacy (not that kind) building excercises, what is to be an ongoing report on the billboards in my neighborhood and all around the city, what it takes to bring the idea of a website into fruition, shaving (or lack thereof), the next recipient of the "Thanks for being so gosh darn groovy" award, and my thoughts on the act of baptizing a kid.

So, stay tuned, I have a lot of crap on my mind, and not a lot of time to say it...


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