This coming monday, my brother will be moving back to Columbus from Pensacola Florida.
I'm pretty happy about it, because there will be a member of my immediate family in town to help influence the sprout
in the ways of our clan. (Not so sure that's a good thing...
My parents will remain in P-cola, maintaining the ideal vacation spot they call home. I'm sure they will miss my brother, even though he had his own place, and his job (Archeologist) kept him out of town for months at a time. So even though they were used to him not being home, at least he was in the same city.
Anyway, in order to get here, he and my dad will be driving a truck with all his crap from there to here.
Man, I tell ya, I don't envy them a bit. I'm not the one to be driving 12 hours in a U-Haul, thank you very much.
They are scheduled to arrive on monday, which is the same day the boy has to go in for his "surgery".
Yeah, yeah, blog.
I KNOW I didn't divulge anything about the Sprout's medical procedure.
I didn't feel it was THAT big a deal. He's just going in for a bit of a weiner snip.
He was born with a partially circumcised wang, and the baby doc said the extra skin was really no big deal.
So we left it alone.
Time passed, and the decision to just leave his dipstick alone was revoked, and so, snip snip.
When my family arrives on monday, there is a good chance we will either be in surgery, on our way home, or tending to the boy's pecker needs.
(I tried to use as many lewd penis references, because
1. I hate the word penis {Even though that will be the name we refer to it with him}
2. How often do you get the opportunity to use dirty words to describe a wanker?)
If I get a chance though, I'm gonna take some time out to help my dad and brother move some stuff into his place.
I'm sure the effects of the anesthesia will not wear off for the entire day, and he will be catching some major Z's, so that may give me a chance to help out.
I will keep you posted, dear blog as to the details of the boy's surgery, and how he is doing afterward.
So, that's about all that's going on, and I want to wish my dad and brother a safe, swift trip up, and I can't wait to see you guys.