Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines/Snow Day!!!

Just wanted to say a few things before I go back to enjoying my Valentine's day off with the lovely wife and the sprout.
First off, I want to offer my wish for a happy, healthy, and wonderful Valentine's Day to everyone. I know that some folks out there claim they don't celebrate the day because of all the Jewelry store, Chocolate shop, and Greeting Card, commercialism- but, that doesn't have to be what the day is all about. Rather than give up on the day as a whole, just celebrate the IDEA of Valentine's Day. Show someone you love, a bit MORE love today. I've heard others claim- "I don't need to celebrate Valentine's 'cuz I show the person I love just how much I care for them EVERY day". I want to speak to the person they're referring to and confirm this. Sorry to be a cynic, but why would ANYONE turn down a little more attention just because a couple of businesses made some dough? O.k. Fine. so you don't want to celebrate a "Hallmark Holiday". Replace the commercial aspects of Valentine's day with more personal ones. Just keep the SPIRIT of the holiday in mind, and make someone you know feel a little more appreciated on an otherwise regular day.
Second, just as I predicted last night, we are off again because of the HUGE amounts of snow and ice dumped on us yesterday, and last night. I also said that I'd be doing absolutely nothing, and I've pretty much held up my end of that bargain. I had to clean all the accumulated snow and the ice shell my car was encased in before tomorrow morning, and I had to go to the grocery store for a few things. Surprisingly, there were quite a few people out-considering there is a level two snow emergency going on. ("Don't go out unless it's ABSOLUTELY {man, I am capital letter crazy today} necessary)
Well, hopefully everyone reading this is off and relaxing the day away today like I am. Enjoy, 'cuz it's back to the grind tomorrow. Count on it.

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