Friday, March 02, 2007

Now I Feel Bad...

Ok, ok...
MAYBE I was a little rough.
My comments about my previous employer may have been a bit coarse, and slightly scathing.
Despite the negative situations I experienced during my time at what will from now on be called "The old gig", I need to rise above hurt feelings, and let go of any and all grudges. Although they weighed heavily on me during my brief stint there, I was lucky enough to be in the company of my clients (yuck- I hate that word, but it is used due to the lack of a better term) who graced me with their presence and details about their lives daily. Just seeing them, and hearing about their goings on, helped discontinue the gloomy thoughts I became so familiar and comfortable with.
There was also a group of co-workers who helped lighten my days by beaming differing rays of sunshine on me.
Conversations consisted of double entendres, art critiques, film, music and book reviews, insight as to how women "work",
(don't worry, I won't give up your identity- I wouldn't want you to be kicked out of the women's club for divulging such precious information to men)
makeup tips (don't ask), history lessons, cultural enlightenment, and OSU sports. (I'm Really NOT a fan)
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I really shouldn't be concerned with what I deem not good for me, and hating on folks for WHATEVER the reason is most certainly NOT good for me. So sorry dear reader, for subjecting you to MY negativity while complaining about someone ELSE'S.
Have a great weekend.


Zany Mama said...

I don't mean to criticize, but that may have been the worst execution of negativity ever.

It was actually more the absence of positivity than the presence of negativity.

I have a mother in law who would complain about winning the lottery. I know negativity.

SRH said...

Oh, yeah, my mom would burn you with a gaze. You ain't git negative, you ain't got negative at all.

Frederic's Hair Design said...

Thanx y'all, I needed that...