It's been a CRAZY week since the sprout has come to join us.
We have gotten, maybe a total of about 24 hours of sleep, put a dent in the national diaper reserve, walked the equivalent of two miles holding and rocking the babe, listened to ocean cd's so often that I'm beginning to think we are back in Costa Rica, and have ducked so many wayward streams of pee- (thank God for my cat-like reflexes) that I"m sure bullet dodging could be considered a hobby.
But ya' know what? I wouldn't change a thing.
I am so grateful for this gift that I have been given, and each day he makes me more and more happy to be a dad.
And besides, I will never run out of subject matter to write about.
Because there are so many things that need to be done in the mere two hour intervals that he sleeps in throughout the day, I only have time to give a quick synopsis of what's going on with the lil' guy.
1.THE KID IS A POOPING MACHINE!!! "In out in out" has got to be the mantra of his digestive system.
2. His perception of time is totally backward. His 12 a.m. is our 12 p.m.
3. He had his first visit with the pediatrician and all is excellent! Early on, there were concerns about his weight (4 lb. 14 oz.)
but he is gaining! He has grown from 17 1/2 in. to 19 in., and his head circumference has gone from 12 1/4 to 12 1/2!
All right little sprout!
4. His eyes are changing color more and more day by day. They started out sort of a dark grey-ish color, but now they seem
to be a light brown, almost hazel shade like my dear old dad's and my lovely wife's.
6. He is one of the most serene, and relaxed individuals I have met. The kid NEVER cries Unless he's got a dirty diaper, or he
is hungry. I swear, he's like mini Mahatma Ghandi.
7. I appreciate all the support we have continuously received from our friends and family, and I mean it, we WILL be taking
up ALL offers of assistance, so be careful what you say around us. Mental notes are being taken!
Well, the boy is squirming, and I just felt more rumbling in his diaper, so I have got to go. See ya' tomorrow!
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