Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Busy Busy...

I don't have much time to write tonight. It's almost 9 p.m., and the wife has just finished feeding the sprout, and watching the Buckeye basketball game. This means she is about to hit the sack. While she is sleeping, I am going to be watching a movie and holding the little one's shirtless body against my bare chest till next feeding time. (2 1/2 hrs.) I know, it sounds kinda weird, but- the baby doc informed us that it will help him relax, will lower stress hormone levels, and it can sync his heart rate to mine. Weird sounding or not, I'm all about it.
So, I guess I will talk to you later friends.
P.S., I had to go back to work today, and it totally sucked ass!!! All I could think about was the sprout, and I couldn't really concentrate on my clients. Damn, did I miss the lil' guy.
Ah well, time heals all I guess...

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