Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I mean, REALLY?

There the republican party goes again.
First Vice Presidential runner up Sarah Palin was used to cater to women too shallow to realize how shallow she is.
"Hip-Hop" GOP chairman Michael Steele is looking to recruit all the young homeys homettes into the republican party by creating a GOP that feels a bit more "urban".
Joe the plumber was part-timing as an Iraq war correspondent.


And then there's Bobby Jindal.
Just watch his response to last night's congressional address and form your own opinions.
I think his party considers him an Obama doppleganger helping to create hope for republicans- without having to participate in all that pesky bipartisanship.
The republican party (those in charge) seems to think that all people need is someone who looks like, or has the same sensibilities as them, and voila!
New republicans will be spawned!
Who gives a damn about what their previous political views/policies are, this is someone the people can RELATE to!

Ease up on the patronization republicans.
You are insulting our intelligence by assuming we have none.

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