O.k. So here's the deal.
A couple of Saturdays ago, the boy cut his finger on a cheese grater sort of thing.
It was tucked back in a cabinet and forgotten about, and leave it to Indiana Jones to find it.
Well, I guess it bled for a while, and so an in-law who happens to be a nurse was called in for duty.
She then bandaged him up after putting some cellophane bandage/tape type stuff on to stop the bleeding.
It's my understanding that the tape stuff goes on a cut, bonds to the skin, thereby stopping the bleeding-and after days of tenacious adherence to your "boo-boo" the tape dissolves off and viola! The cut has healed.
The boy had the stuff off five minutes after he got home.
The cut re-opened, and he had'nt realized it yet.
At this point, I've got him in one arm, and he is squirming like a split worm doing what he normally does when you pick him up.
Whenever he is up off the floor, his perspective changes.
So naturally he is gonna want to look around and touch/feel/grab and taste everything he sees.
The bathroom is starting to look like a crime scene, and I'm trying to grab and bandage the kid's hand:
1. As quickly as I can
2. As quickly as I can before he notices
3. As quickly as I can before his mother gets home
(I thought, "no telling WHAT might happen if she sees the boy BLEEDING." I didn't even WANT to know.)
Anyway, I finally got it bandaged up, and all was well.
Mom got home shortly after, and the boy was behaving normally.
And by normally, I mean, touching/feeling/grabbing and tasting everything he sees-
including his bandage.
The boy continually thwarted our attempts to redirect his attention from his wound, and eventually the bandage was free from
his finger.
THAT was when I found out what would happen if the wife saw him bleeding.
Once composure was gained by the two of us, we re-bandaged the boy's finger, and got him to bed.
The next morning, he managed to get the new bandage off.
How I don't know, his finger was sealed tighter than Fort Knox.
Again with the bleeding.
(Not so much-but there was blood)
So off we go to Children's Hospital.
After a brief wait, a rather surly nurse lady enters the room to wrap the Sprite's digit one final time (We thought).
When we retuned home, we all cooled our heels until the fourth and final (seriously) bandage removal/replacement fiasco.
He managed to keep this one on for the remainder of the day, and well into the next.
When we next checked his cut, it looked much, much less mangled...
Almost like a real finger.
Just kidding Mom&Dad the boy is fine.
(The photo is from the following day after the hospital visit)